Is Pagewood set for the chop?
/Pagewood, opening day. Hood image
Pagewood today.
Mosquito Wing
Pagewood opening, Sir Robert Menzies CENTER. Hood image
David Francis, updates on the redevelopment of GM H Pagewood by Meriton
Recently the GMH Pagewood site had MERITON "shade cloth" around the fences of the southern section of the site. This is now completely demolished & leveled to approximately where the 'Boiler house' stood on Bunnerong Rd. Over Christmas I observed the Shade cloth now surrounds the entire site from Westfield drive to the northern boundary in Heffron Rd
So ...That appears to be it!
I contacted the Council & Was surprised to learn the Front Tower & buildings are not heritage listed.
Pagewood was opened in 1940 by Prime minister, R.G Menzies & MD, Sir Laurence Hartnett. GM-H were already assembling, among others, CKD Chevrolet and Buick, as well as Vauxhall for domestic use before moving onto War vehicles & Mosquito plane. See Trove
Also find attached still pictures taken on the day by famous photographer Mr Sam Hood
The local Botany Bay councillors & politicians have been asked to consider the importance of the
front buildings & towers and attempt to have Meriton at least preserve them. This is where history was made. It would be a shame to lose them.